President Barack Obama
Sheds Tears at Boston Marathon Memorial
Boston, Massachusetts ... April, 18 2013
President Obama gave a moving compassionate speech at The Holy Cross Cathedral in Boston today. As you all know, the President attended a multi religious service to honor and pray for the victims of The Boston Patriot Day, Boston Marathon Bombing. The President was joined by a multi religious clergy from Jewish, Catholic, Muslim, Baptist, and Greek Orthodox faiths, as well as the Mayor of Boston and Governor of Massachusetts.
Mayor Thomas Menino and Govenor Deval Patrick both gave moving inspirational speeches.
Famed Cellist YoYo Ma performed a moving piece of music that was somber and sad. The piece was a Bach Cello Suite. Govenor Patrick gave his fine speech of which he stated that Boston "Invented" The United States. If you think about it, it is true. Well they were one of the inventors anyway, and the governor's speech was quite uplifting . Then Governor Patrick said that he had the great privilege and pleasure to welcome The President of The United States of America, Barack Obama.
The President of The United States, Barack Obama did not disappointing. His speech was moving touching, inspirational, and uplifting, and nearly brought me to tears several times as did the speeches of governor Patrick and religious leaders. The President said he came to Boston in support of the people of Boston on behalf of The American people, to help console those people injured and their families and of the families whose loved one were tragically killed in the senseless and brutal bombing on Monday, Patriot's Day, Boston Marathon Day 2013. The Presidents speech was consoling and inspirational as he stated how the bombing in Boston was a attack on not just Boston but America and Americas and that the American people could feel their pain (I know I do) and that all of America is behind Boston and all Bostonian s and especially for all those injured and killed, and that the federal, state, and local authorities will hunt down, find, and bring to justice the evil doers of this horrible senseless crime against the victims, Bostonian, Americans and all mankind.
President Obama made inspirational statements saying that this terrible act committed by these terrorist (whoever they are) will not beat down the resolve of Bostonian and Americans. The President got quite a roar from the crowd when he said that the people of Boston, Massachusetts America and the World will be back next year for the 118th Boston Marathon, bigger and better than ever and not broken.
Thank You Mr. President, Mayor Menino, Governor Patrick, and all Religious Leaders who spoke at this Memorial Service. Thanks for the kind words, leadership, and inspiration. And most of all, God Bless Lingzi Lu, Martin Richards, Krystal Campbell, all tragically killed in Mondays brutal bombing. God Bless their families and help guide them and deal with their tragic loses as best and peacefully as is possible. And our hearts go out and Bless the many and their families of whom were horribly injured and maimed. May they have strenght to continue their live as best possible though their lives have been terribly altered. Give them strength, and much "Love and Happiness" to go on. God Bless all who have been terribly affected in this awful tragedy.
Martin Richards
God Bless You Young Martin
May You Rest in Peace
And Bless Your Family and Give Them Strength
And Wishing Blessings and The Best Recovery Possible
For Your Mother and Sister's Speedy Recovery Now and Forever
And May They Live Lives Filled with Love and Happiness
Ever Though They Lost You Martin and Will Never Forget You
Look Down From Heaven at Your Mother, Sister, Father and Entire Family
One Day You Will Be with Them Again Dear Martin
And Know That Not Only Your Family But All of Boston
and All The People of America have Been Touch By The Loss of Your
Sweet Young Innocent Life and That It Hurts Us to See Such a Beautiful Young Boy's
Life Taken a Such a Young Tender Age and For No Reason at All
A Senseless Useless Act of Terrible Violence
God Bless You Beautiful Young Martin and Again Rest in Peace Dear Boy.
The President gave his fine speech and returned to his wife, First Lady Michele Obama,gave her a Sweet Kiss, and then you could see our dear and very compassionate President Barack Obama "wipe back some tears" that he was able to hold back on the speech but began to shed, no doubt thinking of little Martin, Krystal, and Lingzi and all those terrible maimed victims and all their families.
God Bless You Krystal
may You Rest in Peace
Lingzi Lu
God Bless You
May Your rest in Peace
by Daniel Bellino-Zwicke